

Training Guides 

Training for the the Ride is essential. No matter your level of fitness, we've got you covered. Our tailored 20, 10 and 5 week training guides will supercharge your weekly routine and boost your stamina.

20 Week Training Guide

20 Week Training Guide

10 Week Training Guide

10 Week Training Guide

5 Week Training Guide

5 Week Training Guide



With 2000 riders sharing the roads on 12 and 13 October it's vital that all riders be up to speed on how to be a responsible rider.

Safety is a top priority on the Ride and you are offered you the tools to have the most enjoyable Ride Weekend. Learn about the new safety initiatives that are in place, how to best prepare before the Ride and best practices while on the road.

helpful tips

hydrate & nourish

Stay hydrated and fueled on long rides by bringing enough water, hydration gels, and plenty of snacks to maintain energy levels.

stay connected

Make sure your phone is fully charged so you can stay connected with friends and capture photos along the way!

remain vigilant

Follow all road rules, including traffic signals and signs, and remain vigilant for any hazards.

practice sun safety

Remember to apply sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and cover up to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

Stay Safe

Wear a properly fitted helmet and use a well-maintained bike.

tune in to your body

If you feel the need to slow down or take a break, listen to your body and act accordingly.

Injury Prevention 

Explore the following resources from our Health and Fitness partner, Star Physio, to prevent injuries and maintain a pain-free experience during your ride.

star physio bikefit

saddle pain

understanding pain